Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to develop in your mouth and often there is not enough space for them to erupt into the correct position like the other teeth. They can vary in their position and some may not erupt fully because they be impacted against another tooth or may be part covered by the gums.
A combination of this varied position, impaction, being partially erupted and other causes may create issues which you may not be aware of.
A Common Problem
You may need to visit Clínica Dental Champsaur because of pain, swelling or infection to the gum covering the wisdom tooth, also known pericoronitis. The wisdom tooth may also be decayed and you may be getting food stuck around your wisdom teeth.
Some wisdom teeth may have no symptoms but there may be a problem developing or there is high risk of a problem.
The decay may get to the extent that the tooth in front must be removed as well. The same may occur to the bone support around these teeth (periodontal disease). Sometimes cysts can form around the wisdom tooth. A cyst occurs when fluid fills the sack that normally surrounds a developing wisdom tooth and can slowly increase in size.
Erupted Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Panama
What options may be discussed for Wisdom Teeth Extraction?
No treatment but kept under review
If the wisdom tooth is in a position where it has not been causing problems and there is a low risk of a problem developing, then one option can be for the wisdom tooth to be left where it is.
In most cases where a problem has developed or a high risk of developing the wisdom tooth could be removed completely or part removed. During your consultation, these options will be discussed with you in detail along with what is involved and the risks of the procedure.
What does the complete removal of lower wisdom teeth involve?
If the wisdom tooth has not fully erupted into the mouth it is often necessary to make a cut in the gum over the tooth. Sometimes it is also necessary to remove some bone surrounding the wisdom tooth. The tooth may need to be cut into 2 or 3 pieces to remove it. Once the wisdom tooth has been removed the gum is put back into place with stitches. In most cases these stitches are dissolvable and take around two weeks to disappear.
What Are The Main Possible Risks Of Removing A Wisdom Tooth?
• There may be a little bleeding at the time of the extraction this usually stops very quickly and is unlikely to be a problem
• Altered sensation to the chin, lower lip or tongue
• An infection in the socket can occur or the blood clot from extraction socket has dissolved away which may result in a dry socket.
• In exceptional cases, wisdom tooth removal can cause significant weakening of the jaw with the resultant possibility of jaw fracture.
Some wisdom teeth may take only a few minutes to remove. More difficult wisdom teeth that need to be cut into pieces to remove can take more than 20 minutes to extract.
Is there much pain or swelling after the removal of wisdom teeth?
It is likely that there will be some discomfort and swelling both on the inside and outside of your mouth after surgery. This is usually worse for the first three days, but it may take up to two weeks before all the soreness goes. You may also find that your jaw is stiff and may not be able to open fully. You will need to eat a soft diet for a week or so.
For more information about Erupted Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Panama, contact us.