Often orthodontic treatment takes approximately two years to complete, assuming regular adjustment appointments are kept. Teeth move slowly and any attempt to speed up the natural progress of tooth movement will lead to unwanted complications. Successful orthodontic treatment depends on good growth response and patient co-operation. If progress is slow, your treatment plan may need to be adjusted.
Orthodontic treatment in Panama
What is Orthodontic Treatment?
Orthodontic treatment is the use of fixed and/or removable braces to straighten crooked teeth and improve the way the teeth bite together. Once the brace is fitted it is normal for the teeth to ache, though by taking pain relief such as paracetamol or ibuprofen this will settle quickly. In some patients the teeth may feel slightly loose; this is due to the forces exerted on the teeth by the braces.
Are there complications or risks?
This is permanent tooth discolouration, which happens when patients do not keep their mouth and braces clean during treatment. Plaque and food debris should be removed after every meal and you should use a fluoride mouthwash to keep your teeth healthy during orthodontic treatment.
Root Shortening
Moving a tooth puts pressure on the roots of the tooth. A recognised risk which occurs in almost all cases is shortening of the roots of the teeth by perhaps one millimetre throughout a two year treatment; this is regarded as acceptable.
Tooth movement after treatment
Teeth move throughout life whether orthodontic treatment is carried out or not. Small changes in tooth position will occur once the teeth are not held in place by braces or retainers. The only way to guarantee the position of the teeth does not change is the indefinite wearing of retainers at night time.
Jaw joint pains
Some people experience pain, clicking and stiffness in and around the jaw joints. It is more common in females than males. Orthodontic treatment can aggravate existing symptoms and, in susceptible individuals, trigger symptoms.
Orthodontic treatment does not require local anaesthetic. The teeth can ache for several hours after the braces are adjusted and in these instances taking pain relief is recommended. The braces can rub your mouth to begin with and you may develop ulcers. You will be given a packet of wax to place on any sharp parts of the brace that rub the gums to prevent sore patches developing.
Orthodontics and Eating
Hard sticky foods and foods high in sugar must be avoided. Hard foods can damage the wires or break the brackets that are glued to the teeth. Try to cut hard foods e.g. apples into small pieces and chew them on the back teeth, rather than biting into them with the front teeth. Sticky foods such as toffees will stick to the brace and make the teeth more likely to become decayed. You should also avoid chewing gum.
Sugary foods and drinks can lead to permanent marks on the teeth or cause tooth decay. Any sugary food or drinks should be kept to mealtimes, as snacking on these foods damages the teeth.
If the teeth are not kept clean, decalcification or tooth decay will occur. If the gums are not brushed correctly, they will bleed, or grow over the brace making it hard for the orthodontist to adjust the brace.
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