General Dentist in Panama

General Dentist in Panama

If you are looking for a trusted, well respected General Dentist in Panama then we can help.

We offer an extensive range of safe, affordable and proven general and cosmetic dentistry.

Dental Hygienist in Panama City

If you need a trusted, highly experienced dental hygienist in Panama City who is an expert in oral hygiene services then our family-friendly clinic can help.

Oral hygiene is key to maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Our hygiene programme at Clínica Dental Champsaur ensures patients have the build-up of deposits and plaque regularly removed from their teeth. It also enables us to assess and instruct our patients on the best ways to keep teeth and gums healthy. We also offer practical dietary advice to minimise the development of dental decay.

However, it is not only the prevention of decay and gum disease we are interested in; it is now widely recognised that dental disease as a result of poor oral hygiene is linked to heart disease, diabetes and low birth-weight babies. Good, oral hygiene has never been more important and from the very young to the elderly we tailor advice to best suit the individual.

Regular and thorough oral hygiene examinations are essential to pick up the first signs of decay (caries) and gum disease (periodontal disease) before they cause significant harm. Oral cancer is becoming increasingly common and regular dental check-ups can help in its early diagnosis thereby greatly increasing the chances of successful treatment.

Children’s Dentistry in Panama City

If you need a trusted, highly experienced pediatric dentist in Panama City who is an expert in children’s dentistry then our family friendly clinic can help.

We welcome all children to Clínica Dental Champsaur as well as all the family. Dentistry is important for children from an early age and although they will naturally lose their ‘milk’ teeth, regular checks will help them become familiar visiting the dentist and its surroundings.

‘Baby’ teeth start to appear from six to ten months and they play an important role as they help with the development of speech and chewing. By visiting Clínica Dental Champsaur we will be able to monitor the progress and health of your child’s teeth whilst also checking to see if there are any future problems before permanent teeth arrive.

Our dentists will show and teach your child how to brush their teeth properly and will recommend the correct toothbrush and toothpaste to use. We advise all parents and guardians to encourage their children to brush at least twice a day. Regular supervision is recommended so by the age of 4 or 5 your child is brushing their own teeth correctly and at the right times.

The first dental appointment is all about understanding your child’ dental health and helping parents and guardians learn how best to help children achieve good oral health which also includes dietary advise.

General Dentist in Panama

For more information about General Dentist in Panama, click here

Gum Disease Treatment in Panama City

Gum disease is generally the leading cause of tooth loss for adults worldwide so its treatment and control is the most important aspect of dentistry. Gum disease is caused by excessive bacteria building up in the mouth which is commonly known as plaque and when it builds up and hardens it forms into tartar. This disease can be extremely painful and untreated it can recede the gums, affect bone structures and cause the loss of a tooth.

The early signs of gum disease include bleeding gums, receding gum line, bad breath or loose teeth. The more common form of gum disease is known as gingivitis which can be treated successfully but if left too long can develop into the more serious condition called periodontitis resulting in loss of teeth.

At Clínica Dental Champsaur we will always recommend regular dental hygiene check-ups (at least twice a year). By carrying out a simple maintenance programme at home, our dentists and hygienists will show you how to clean your teeth properly and maintain healthy gums during your visits. Dental prevention is better than cure and the most effective way to combat gum disease is to prevent it.

Request now your appointment with a General Dentist in Panama from our clinic
