Did you know that there are several Types of teeth whitening in Panama? People are now making much more of an effort to look better, sharper and more hygienic. In the constantly growing field of cosmetic dentistry, the most popular treatment is teeth whitening.
Nowadays, it is not just movie stars who are concerned about their dental hygiene and find ways to improve their smile as teeth whitening has far-reaching effects on the personality and confidence of the individual.
There is a variety of teeth whitening that are now available that can be applied according to the need and budget of the client. These treatments will not last forever so follow up treatment may be required .
These are the Teeth Whitening in Panama that we have available for you:
Custom Fit Tray Bleaching
This is the most affordable and reliable method available. In this procedure, the individual is allowed to wear a plastic gum for 2-3 hours every day for a week according to the dentist. On the inside of the wearable is a gel that touches your teeth and improves the whiteness of the teeth.
Whitening Strips
This method is widely available over the counter without prescription. They are easy to use as they look like a scotch tape which is to be applied onto the teeth except that it contains bleaching agents which whiten the teeth. It is safe to read the instructions on the manual first before hastening into applying the strip.
Britesmile Teeth Whitening
This a product specially designed to cater the needs of the individual and makes the work of the dentist easier. The main kit contains two parts. One for the dentist and one for the individual. The dentist’s kit contains a gel which after evenly applying on the teeth, a light is shined on them. The individual’s kit contains maintaining products and gargling mixtures prolong the effect of whitening.
Whitening Toothpaste
They may look ordinary but they are specialized to make your teeth whiter. They are expensive and may need a dentist’s prescription to get them. They may require you follow a set of instruction on the manual or from the dentist after a certain procedure. To get the maximum effect.
Laser Bleaching
Firstly all the teeth are cleared of any tartar. This is a sensitive procedure as it is performed near the gum line. A specialized peroxide gel is applied evenly on the teeth and then the laser is used to activate the gel. The laser acts as facilitator to the chemical reaction to enhance the beauty of your smile.
At Clínica Dental Champsaur we offer differents Types of teeth whitening in Panama for our patients. Please call us on 261-6650 or visit our website to book your appointment.
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.
Good evening
I like to have a Laser Bleeching Session at the 25th of January Morning.
I will flight back to Europe in the evening of the Same Day and hopefully you could give me an appointment.
Kind regards
Peter Liniger
Hello Peter, we can schedule your appointment for your bleaching treatment. We do not use LASER bleaching, we use ZOOM speed white, with excellent results. At what time would be good for you? I have availability for 9am and 12md.
It is really kind of you!
We are at your service!
Best Regards
Thank you for the quick resonse..
I prefere 9am,
How long is the procedure and what are the cost and where is youre institute..?
Kind regards
Pls answer on my mailadress
Is the appointment fixed yet?
Kr peter
Hello. It is set indeed.
Could you write down your phone or whatsapp number or an email address, to be able to confirm the appointment?
Best Regards
Dra. Desirée Champsaur