It might sound like a complicated procedure, but full mouth rehabilitation merely means combining restorative dental treatments to fix or rebuild your smile. Our goal, as specialists in dental restoration in Panama, is to not only help you enjoy smiling again, but also to strengthen and fortify your healthy oral tissues and tooth structures, as well.
Cases needing Dental Restoration in Panama
Full mouth reconstruction may be needed or recommended for those who present with:
- Extensive dental neglect or periodontal disease
- Esthetic concern
- Congenital (hereditary) disorders of the teeth
- Multiple teeth missing due to decay or trauma.
- Multiple teeth that have been injured or fractured.
- Abnormal eating habits or behavioral habits altering the normal wear and tear on the teeth leading to severe wear.
The Reason for Restoration Dentistry
Dental restoration is not just an option; it’s a necessity, since your teeth cannot recover from damage or infection on their own. A chipped edge, a cracked surface, or even a minor cavity will pose a significant threat to your oral health if allowed to grow worse through lack of treatment.
In many cases, a tooth filling or dental crown may be able to restore a single afflicted tooth. However, many patients exhibit a number of problems with more than one tooth, and/or the gum tissues around them. Restorative dentistry is designed to restore your smile’s good health; when that requires more than a single procedure, full mouth reconstruction may be the answer.
What are the benefits of full mouth rehabilitation?
Patients who have extensive tooth damage or have lost teeth are typically more susceptible to oral disease.
Such conditions make it that much more difficult to maintain oral hygiene tooth decay, gum disease and additional oral health problems will inevitably result from insufficient oral hygiene.
Damaged teeth also have the potential to perish. If decay moves to the tooth’s core, referred to as the pulp, the tooth might not survive.
Why are missing teeth a problem and what options are available to replace them?
Missing teeth can be addressed with dental implants, a fixed bridge or dentures. It is important to replace missing teeth as soon as possible as they can prove problematic in a number of ways.
Missing teeth compromise physical appearance and also cause a series of additional oral health problems. As an example, all it takes is a single missing tooth to cause teeth to shift into the gap. Furthermore, missing teeth can eventually cause facial sagging.
Contact us for more information of dental restoration in Panama